Our Lady of Hope will be hosting an Open House for prospective and current parents on Sunday January 28, 2024. The Open House will begin after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. For more information please contact the school office. Thank you.
The month of June has come to an end, and it is an exciting month for many reasons for many of our families. It is the end of another school year and the beginning of the long-awaited summer break.
Holy Week begins this Sunday with the blessing of the palms on Palm Sunday commemorating Jesus’ entering Jerusalem and concludes with the most important days of Holy Week: the Paschal Triduum. Triduum is taken from the Latin root that means three days, the period that we pray and reflect starting at the Last Supper to Easter Sunday morning.
As the month of January ends, this is an opportunity to reflect on the start of the New Year and how we approach the year ahead with purpose and intention. I am sure many of us have begun 2023 with resolutions to better ourselves, such as, going to the gym more frequently, eat healthier, spend more time with family rather than at the office and so on.
As we approach Christmas to celebrate Christ's birth, we also celebrate Jesus coming into our lives through grace and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The Christmas season is an opportunity for families to come together and share the light of Christ.
Save the Date - Open House for the 2023 - 2024 School Year is Sunday, January 27, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Do not hesitate to reserve your spot. Call Now!
The month of November is the beginning of the holiday season as we just celebrated Thanksgiving with our family and friends. As Catholics we are beginning a new Liturgical Year, with the celebration of the First Sunday of Advent this past Sunday.
Please join us on Tuesday, November 29th by giving to the The Hope Fund in support of Our Lady of Hope Catholic Academy. Our goal is to grow The Hope Fund to ensure the viability of the Academy for the next decade and beyond.
During the month of October in the Catholic church we celebrated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4th) and Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7th). These two days provide us with an opportunity to reflect on our roles in advancing the mission and ministry of Catholic education at Our Lady of Hope.
Dear Families, Our Lady of Hope’s goal this year was to make this school year as normal as possible for the students and their families. The children are beginning to prepare to celebrate Halloween dressed in costumes for the first time since October 2019. It feels like an eternity since the COVID-19 pandemic
Dear Families, I hope you are enjoying a restful summer, one that finds you refreshed, invigorated and eager to begin a new school year. I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all the new families that are joining the Our Lady of Hope Catholic Academy community for the first time.
Dear Families, The month of June is exciting for many reasons. It is the end of a school year and the beginning of the long awaited summer break. It is also the month of academic celebrations with graduation ceremonies marking the end of one journey while another journey’s pathway awaits.
Dear Families, As we end the month of May, we are called to remember Mary, Our Mother and how she inspires us in all that we do each day in our lives. Many Catholics traditionally began with a morning prayer called the Angelus—a prayer that is said three times during the day—morning, noon, and evening.